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Asia-Africa-Europe submarine optical cable system AAE-1 completed expansion

June 24, 2020

Latest company news about Asia-Africa-Europe submarine optical cable system AAE-1 completed expansion

[Cable News] Recently, the AAE-1 system, which spans Asia, Africa and Europe, one of the world’s longest submarine optical cable systems, has been expanded, and its capacity has doubled.


Infinera, the world's leading technology provider, is responsible for the system expansion, and provides unlimited capacity engine (ICE4) and instant bandwidth capabilities.

According to the introduction, this 25,000-kilometer submarine network owned by a consortium of 19 global service providers connects Asia, the Middle East, East Africa and Europe via 19 countries and regions: Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia , Myanmar, India, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Yemen, Egypt, Greece, Italy and France.

AAE-1 has been described as "the longest 100Gbps technology submarine cable system", and provides a design capacity of more than 40Tbps.

"When choosing a solution for AAE-1, it is crucial to choose a cost-effective supplier that can provide a seamless and scalable solution for the entire network," added Giuseppe Sini, Vice Chairman of the AAE-1 Management Committee, " Infinera enables AAE-1 to quickly activate capacity and truly differentiate our services."

(This article is the first cable network, please indicate the source.)

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