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U.S. FCC extends special temporary authorization for PLCN submarine cable system

May 27, 2020

Latest company news about U.S. FCC extends special temporary authorization for PLCN submarine cable system

[Cable News] The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has extended the Special Temporary Authorization (STA) to GU Holdings (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Google) and Edge USA (a subsidiary of the Internet giant Facebook) to build in the United States , Connect and test the US Pacific Light Submarine Cable (PLCN) system.


The current STA (granted in September 2019) expired on March 28, 2020, and this approval has extended it to September 22, 2020.

It is understood that this 12,971 km long PLCN submarine cable system is designed to connect El Segundo (California, USA) and Deep Water Bay (Hong Kong, China). Via cities such as Taiwan, China and the Philippines.

This submarine cable system connecting California and Hong Kong will consist of six pairs of optical fibers and will be jointly owned by GU Holdings, Edge Cable Holdings and Pacific Light Data Communication (PLDC); the branch system connected to Taiwan will be fully The two branch systems in the Philippines will be owned by Edge Network Services, an affiliate of Edge USA.

TyCom Electronics subsidiary SubCom won the contract for the construction of the system in November 2015.

(This article is the first cable network reproduced, please indicate the source.)

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